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Emma Shapplin again charm Moscow

Just do not count Emma Shapplin opera singer. God forbid, and very strange, when many people think so.

Mass insanity is never attractive side - and so, Emma Shapplin never had to academic vocal irrelevant. Well, taking lessons - so who does not happen?

Those beginnings coloratura soprano that were once in this really nowhere and did not study up girls, completely trampled by later sediments r'n'b, French chanson, and rhythm and blues.

But why Emma Shapplin so well? Why forgive her all the numerous "roosters" nesmykaniya ligaments and estradschinu erenbishnost?

The next concert of Emma Shapplin in Moscow, and with orchestra - in fact the occasion to think about it in the presence of the star itself. Stars over the commercial, her 5 albums have reached the top of the tops in sales.

Yes, alive 40-year-old singer is singing still much worse than on the album. Yes, the orchestra (never named, well, it soon became clear that his role in the sound is minimal) under the instrumental-vocal "plywood" more valuable its mass and decorative at the scene.

But God, what Emma Chaplin alive and organic! It is - in itself show. Tall, with a fantastic wasp waist, so that the upper and lower body like Emma move apart from each other. Emma sings sincerely and passionately. Her original songs, stylized then under early Italian opera, then the Old French music, and often under the neo-medieval - sincere and clear his sincerity. Prior to each note, and therefore it does not matter if the songs are sung in the forgotten or completely non-existent languages. Shapplin penetrates the heart, without intermediaries.

Emma herself seems that once represented - was a little girl dreamed of singing opera voice from the scene, and here - children's dreams come true. Worth, sings "opera" voice in a beautiful dress - and shares his joy with appreciative listeners.

There were songs seem from each of her albums. And not very popular. In any case, we obtain The Best on the choice of the Shapplin. The audience clapped long.

In principle, even if Emma Shapplin came with only one my drummer (who included the "plywood") - the reception would be the same warm. Because - from heart to heart. And for that you can forgive any irregularities.

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